Digital Marketing

Do your Business Visible On Internet?

Why Choose Digital Marketing

  • Lower costs and higher flexibility for your marketing efforts
  • Access to consumers who rely on their mobile phones or do all their shopping online
  • The ability to speak with authority on topics related to your product or industry
  • Make Selling and Marketing Easier
  • Attract Local Customers
  • A chance to engage with influencers, earn their respect and get them to endorse your company
  • Opportunities to incorporate multiple types of media into your marketing

Digital Marketing Highlights

As you can see, digital marketing is crucial in the survival of today's businesses.

You need to expose your brand to a bigger audience if you want your business to grow.

The importance of and future scopes of Digital Marketing can’t be simply ignored because of its psychological impacts on your customer. Compared to any other marketing, this technique allows you to have an advantage over your competitors.

This promotes the interaction of sellers and buyers for a better understanding of products as well as the choices of customers. This builds a strong rapport within the seller-buyer community.


Times have changed, and even the way businesses approach their customers have shifted. Traditional marketing has taken a step back and brought a new face in front of the industry.

Our desire for change and creating ways to make it possible have led a lot of things into a different path. Although not all traditional marketing strategies are gone, the current techniques implemented by marketing professionals are far more popular than we used to know.

The internet has brought a whole new market. Digital Marketing became the norm for a successful business, and if you are not involved in this, your business will not grow in the future.

Digital marketing can bring a lot of opportunities and growth to businesses. It can lead to exposure and more sales. After all, your goal as a business owner is to increase your profit.

If you want to see improvements in your business or increase your sales, you have to get your hands into digital marketing.

Digital Marketing Features

# Features Basic Advanced
1 Number Of Keywords 5 10
2 Brewadcrumb Links Yes Yes
3 Title 5 10
4 Description Yes Yes
5 H1 Tags Yes Yes
6 Robots TXT file Yes Yes
7 Image ALT Tags Yes Yes
8 Internal Linking Yes Yes
9 New Page Creation Yes Yes
10 Duplicate Content Check Yes Yes
11 Content Creation & Modification Yes Yes
12 Footer Links Yes Yes
13 Canonical redirection Yes Yes
14 Seo Friendly Url Yes Yes
15 403 Error Check Yes Yes
16 502 Error Check Yes Yes
17 Google Analytics Set Up Yes Yes
18 Google Webmaster Set Up Yes Yes
19 Site Map Set Up Yes Yes
20 Blog Set Up Yes Yes
21 Link Indexing Yes Yes
22 Minimum Commited Months 4 3
23 Off Page Seo No Yes
24 Business Listing No Yes
25 Review Posting No Yes
26 Social Bookmarking No Yes
27 PPT Presentation No Yes
28 Article Submision No Yes
29 Video Submission No Yes
30 Image Sharing No Yes
31 Forum Submission No Yes
32 Broken Link Building No Yes
33 Directory Submission No Yes
34 Social Account Set Up Facebook + Twitter Facebook + Twitter + Instagram
35 Buiness Page Creation Yes Yes
36 Banner Creation 5 10
37 Website Link Share Yes Yes
38 Meme Share Yes Yes
39 Quote Share Yes Yes
40 Engaging Post Yes Yes
41 Image Sharing Yes Yes
42 Video Sharing Yes Yes
43 Upcoming Event Sharing Yes Yes
44 Information Sharing Yes Yes
45 Retweets Yes Yes
46 Number Of Posts Twice In a week Thrice In a Week
47 Group Joining Yes Yes
48 Sharing In Group Yes Yes
49 Comments On Group Yes Yes
50 Select Relevant and Realistic Social Media Marketing Goals Yes Yes
51 Understand Your Social Media Audience Yes Yes
52 Investigate How Your Competitors Approach Social Media Yes Yes
53 Create Suitable Content to Share with Your Followers Yes Yes
54 Promote Your Social Channels Yes Yes
55 Engage with Your Audiences Yes Yes
56 Build a Community for Your Audience Yes Yes
57 Consider Working with Influencers to Widen Your Reach Yes Yes
58 Minimum Committed Months 4 3

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